Sunday, November 20, 2011

the next chapter

I have always considered it bad taste to rant.  In a way it is openly admitting that you are an unhappy person.  The fact is that everyone knows the score anyways...  And if they don't already, what makes you think you'll make any difference?  Ranting also blinds you to the fact that there are others out there that get it. That you aren't somehow unique.

It has taken some time here in the bay area to find my "tribe" but it happens.  Slowly... 

(I even found a cafe that bans laptops!)  

I will be heading down to the boat in Mexico soon, (within a few weeks) and although part of me is glad to continue with getting back to the boat and possibly writing the  last chapter with Pelican, part of me is also a little sad about leaving the bay area.  Imagine that.  That is a really good sign...

1 comment:

Sean said...

Ha! I've been to that Cafe and not knowing lappies weren't allowed the first thing I did was plug mine in. They didn't mention anything. I guess it must have been a weekday.